Gould Campbell

Gould Campbell


The firm was founded in 1797 by Garret Gould, who left his native Ireland for Portugal and established a trading company with
offices in both Lisbon and Porto. After the Peninsular wars the firm went into partnership with the prestigious banking and mercantile
family of James Campbell & Co, and the Port shipper has been known as Gould Campbell ever since. The firm was acquired by the
Symington family in 1970

The firm was founded in 1797 by Garret Gould, who left his native Ireland for Portugal and established a trading company withoffices in both Lisbon and Porto. After the Peninsular wars the firm went into partnership with the prestigious banking and mercantile family of James Campbell & Co, and the Port shipper has been known as Gould Campbell ever since. The firm was acquired by the Symington family in 1970.


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